OK for some unknown reason I've decided to start a new blog... I am terrible at blogging so this will probably get forgotten about on multiple occasions. Oh I'm Stefanie by the way. Full name Stefanie Marie S, Stef for short. I am 21 and live in Somerset in the South West of England. I live in a small village close to the city of Bristol (where Skins was filmed which is damn awesome).
I do actually already have a blog and I suppose I could delete my posts and start fresh there but I feel like I need a completely new start. Somewhere to talk about music, fashion that interests me - mainly within the Goth scene, movies, books... Basically anything but ranting about annoying relatives, mainly my Aunt. Thankfully she seems to be out of our life now. I may explain in my next post just to get it all out of the way.
The one thing this blog probably won't contain will be outfit posts. I am not a confident person, I am actually classed I guess as clinically obese. Aka fat. Therefore clothes don't look great on me and being fat means I am quite limited in what I can find that is Goth friendly particularly as I have next to no budget. I spend about £5 a week on books and things at the charity shop where I volunteer but other than that I have maybe £30 every couple of months or so for other stuff. The last things I bought were green Vans shoes (which I'm waiting to arrive) and an ankh necklace from eBay. The next things I buy when I have the money will be new underwear (tmi I know) since mine are all holey and then new earrings so all my holes can match (and hopefully I will eventually re-pierce the one hole, but that's a story for another post). Anyway getting back to the point my size (a UK 30-ish) means that when I do buy clothes the main concern is price and fit rather than things like colour. It doesn't help that my style is very conflicted but again that is a post for another day.
Fashion-wise I will probably talk about styles that inspire me, shoes, stuff that is on my (never-ending) wish list, jewellery, that kinda thing. Make-up will probably get ignored. I usually only wear nail varnish, occasionally pencil eyeliner though I do have some of that stuff in a pot you apply with a brush to try out sometime (and I've only had it since Christmas).
Anyway this post is rather long for now so I'll just finish by saying that soon I will get round to writing an About Me page and I will also create a page to list all the music on my iTunes playlist leaving nothing out just so everyone can see my whacked out music tastes. I'm serious none of it goes together XD
*Stef Out*