Just a mini post as I saw this on a few blogs and fancied doing it. I will try and do a proper post shortly...
Eat brussel sprouts or cauliflower cheese?
Both! Although if I had to choose it would be the sprouts honestly.
Have twinkling lights or still lights?
Have twinkling lights or still lights?
Still but we do have some that go over the window that do flash gently. I don't mind if they aren't too manic but even though they can the tree ones must not flash.
Eat gingerbread or Ferrero Rocher?
Eat gingerbread or Ferrero Rocher?
Neither but gingerbread if I was forced to choose.
Open your Christmas presents with only immediate family or with all your family members?
Open your Christmas presents with only immediate family or with all your family members?
Immediate family, so me and mum.
Cook Christmas dinner for the whole family or don't eat Christmas dinner at all?
Cook Christmas dinner for the whole family or don't eat Christmas dinner at all?
Toughie. I am a rubbish cook but if mum couldn't I wouldn't want to go without so as long as it was small-ish hopefully I could cope if she talked me through it...
Have a real Christmas tree or a Fake Christmas Tree?
Have a real Christmas tree or a Fake Christmas Tree?
Fake every time.
Use blue, yellow, white or multi-coloured lights?
Use blue, yellow, white or multi-coloured lights?
Mixture. We have multi-coloured and white on the tree, blue and white in the kitchen, pink and yellow with white in the window and yellow and multi-coloured on the display units.
Eat mince pies or Christmas cake?
Eat mince pies or Christmas cake?
Mince pies! Yum!
Wake up at 6am or 10am?
Wake up at 6am or 10am?
6am because I can never sleep late on Christmas morning no matter how tired.
Drink champagne or hot chocolate?
Got to be hot chocolate. I love it enough that I have it almost every day even in summer whereas I've never even tried Champagne.
Eat Heroes or Roses?
Eat Heroes or Roses?
Heroes! The best tied with Celebrations.
Get a puppy for Christmas or a kitten for Christmas?
Get a puppy for Christmas or a kitten for Christmas?
No pets for Christmas. My puppy is a lot of work even now he's 8 months, to bring that with all the mess of toilet training home in winter would have been a nightmare whereas bringing him home in the summer by now we have good routines set (his behaviour is still very questionable in a lot of ways though). Kittens are easier to cope with over the holidays but I would be wary of any person or place that let a pet go home at Christmas knowing how many get dumped after the holidays.
Watch Elf or Home Alone?
Watch Elf or Home Alone?
Home Alone is a classic. I've watched Elf but I wasn't a fan. Just too silly from what I remember.
Only be able to listen to Christmas songs all year round or never hear a Christmas song again?
Only be able to listen to Christmas songs all year round or never hear a Christmas song again?
Never hear a Christmas song again. When you hear them on repeat in your crappy retail job you kind of want to pull your eardrums out after a while. I always enjoy them at home up until the point they start at work and then that starts to ruin things.
Wake up bright and early and get all of the best boxing day sale goodies or stay warm and cosy in bed wearing your new Christmas pyjamas?
Wake up bright and early and get all of the best boxing day sale goodies or stay warm and cosy in bed wearing your new Christmas pyjamas?
Apart from the fact that I had to work boxing day this year (and Christmas Eve) stay warm and cosy inside wearing pyjamas all day.