Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Book Review: More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer

Ebook provided by NetGalley for review. Thank You.

Content Note: Child abuse and child sexual assault.

Apparently this is sort of a sequel to another book but you can't tell and it's perfectly written as a standalone though I do now want to read the original.

Anyway onto the story... Beautifully written, addictive, real and an emotional punch to the gut. I loved that Emma wasn't just a female gamer but a game builder, that is so rare in life, not just fiction. I feel like the troll thing was dealt with a little too neatly, I sort of expected it to go in a different direction so that was interesting.

However among all that I relished Rev's chapters. His backstory drew me in completely and alongside there was the mystery of Matthew and his background - also heartbreaking.

I loved the way Rev and Emma's relationship developed and the way they grew as characters. Overall a brilliant book beautifully written.

Stef Out x

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Book Review: August and Everything After by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski

Ebook provided by NetGalley for review. Thank You.

A beautiful story about love and loss and grief and music.

I love the characters, 'Auntsie' in particular is fantastic! A cool, free-spirited music fanatic. I loved how the friendships and relationships developed and how things 'ended'.

The music stuff was all brilliantly real and researched, so detailed. I loved that Quinn was a badass female drummer and I especially appreciated that it was a process, she wasn't instantly good, everything was so realistic.

My only minor query was that in the UK at least you need to be legal drinking age i.e. 18 to work in a bar, whereas Quinn - in America - was working in a bar at 18 when the US drinking age is 21.

Stef Out x

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Book Review: In Search of Us by Ava Dellaira

Ebook provided by NetGalley for review. Thank you.

Beautifully written and poignant. The characters are multi-faceted, intricate and well-rounded, the timelines blend seamlessly and I found both utterly captivating.

The most striking thing about this whole book was how real it was. The relationships, the pressure, the worries about the future, the racism - both upfront in Marilyn's story and in regards to the micro-aggressions Angie faces.

There were parts that made me tear up and I'm a hard crier so that's a strong testament to the brilliant writing. The ending was also perfectly complete.

Stef Out x

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

100 Day Song Challenge Day 9

A childhood memory TV theme tune.

Art Attack! One of my childhood favourites, I've always been very arty and creative... Even if I'm not the best LOL! One of my brief career ambitions was actually tattoo artist but no way am I good enough for that sadly. Ah well, back to the drawing board, pun intended!

Stef Out x

Friday, 8 June 2018

100 Day Song Challenge Day 8

A song you used to like but now don't.

When I was young I used to be a big Britney Spears fan and like all fans one of my favourites was 'Baby One More Time', the school time boredom was so relateable. I even dressed up as her at a friend's music themed birthday party - along with another girl who was the more ahem conventional Britney body type. I was a chubby teen and now am a fat adult.

Anyway time went on, school got worse - I talked about that here - and I turned more to rock music and left the sugary sweet pop behind. I don't hate the song but it kind of irritates me with the way she sings it, it seems fake. Not to mention she looks too old to even be in school.

Stef Out x

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Book Review: Sam and Ilsa's Last Hurrah by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

Ebook provided by NetGalley for review. Thank you.

This was a strange book. Told over one night over the course of a final dinner party hosted by twins Sam and Ilsa while they come to terms with their future.

I found the characters hard to keep track of. I kept getting the exes mixed up, then there is the random South African, the girl who is too bitchy to even want to be best friends with, and a guy who will only talk via a sock puppet. I had to suspend my disbelief with that one.

Li was the shining beacon of pure light in a story that didn't seem to know where it was going. A lot of questions and talking, not a lot of answers or action. The history we were told was annoyingly vague, sometimes pointless e.g. Stan the hashtag guy.

The epilogue/final chapter 10 years later didn't seem to clear much up either. Honestly just pretentious through and through and I stuggled to finish it.

Stef Out x

Friday, 1 June 2018

100 Day Song Challenge Day 7

One of your favourite songs.

Fall Out Boy featuring Elton John with 'Save Rock and Roll'. Ever since I first heard it it's been played constantly. Just the whole theme of it, the whole album plays out really well too. Fall Out Boy are one of my favourite bands and they just keep getting better.

Stef Out x