Saturday 22 June 2024

Brothersong by TJ Klune


Ebook provided by NetGalley for review. Thank you.

5/5 stars

The fourth and final Book of the Green Creek series follows Carter, the oldest Bennett brother and picks up after Book 3's finish with him following Gavin into the wilderness.

We get flashbacks of Carter's childhood as the eldest and his role as protector towards Kelly and Joe, and every extra little bit we're shown about this family just makes me love them more.

I love how Klune writes about love. The love between brothers, the love between parent and child, the love for your friends, and of course romantic love and how it's not always what you expect. I read falling in love being described once as "happening slowly, then all at once" and I think that describes Carter perfectly.

All in all if there were 100 of these books I'd happily read them all.

Stef Out x