Monday, 2 July 2012

Fear Tag

I was reading Nocturne Street and spotted this with a note at the bottom saying if you are reading you're automatically tagged so I stole it XD


  • Do this tag with the lights on. You may be facing your worst fears in this room...
  • Answer the questions! 
  • Tag however many others as you want and link them in your post.
  • Tell the others you've tagged them on their blogs.
  • If you read their posts and notice you share the same fears, give them a virtual hug. :)


1) Three things you're afraid of for a very good reason (in order).

2) Three irrational fears of yours (in order).

3) The medical term for one of your fears.
4) Are you superstitious in any way?
5) Are you easily startled?
6) Do you have any common fears (heights, bugs, etc.)
7) When you watch horror movies, are you better at dealing with suspense or gore?
8) Are you afraid of ghosts?
9) Are you afraid of any animals?
10) What was your scariest nightmare about?


1) Deep water - you can drown, fire - horrific burns and loss of possessions and bees - stings (I'm not allergic though) and I will risk traffic to get away from them.
2) Spiders - England doesn't exactly have poisonous spiders XD, dolls - can't actually move to hurt you and clowns - generally considered children's entertainment and as such not logically threatening...
3) Bees = Apiphobia
4) Kinda, I touch wood, avoid ladders, occasionally avoid cracks in the pavement if I'm feeling silly - mostly because it reminds me of The Land Before Time and one of the silly moments in a fairly serious film. Black cats confuse me because I can never remember which side is supposed to be good luck vs bad luck, it changes worldwide.
5) Not really
6) Spiders, most bugs, clowns are fairly common, small spaces... I have a lot of fears really...
7) Gore. I love gory films, the Saw series is one of my favourite film franchises :D
8) No, I believe in them but I'm not really scared of them. Maybe if I encountered one I'd feel differently.
9) Sharks, crocodiles, I'm also a bit wary around strange dogs. Particularly big ones even though personally I've been closer to being bitten by a small dog than by a big one...
10) I don't think I've ever had a nightmare... Not that I can remember anyway, I don't think I really dream... If I do it's usually about something really random like toilets O_o