Thursday, 5 November 2015

Am I Normal Yet? Book Review


Owned Or Library?
Own Kindle Edition (it was on special offer for 99p)

The Cover
Hard to see on Kindle but the Goodreads photo (above) shows it to be very striking and hits the point well.

Am I Normal Yet? by Holly Bourne is a gritty, realistic story about one girl and her struggles with mental health issues. Add in some boy drama, great new friends and a dose of feminism and stir it up into a strikingly relevant book for the times.

Evie struggles with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder yet despite this (or maybe because of it) she is a smart, nice, strong character that I relish getting to know.
Jane is Evie's former best friend who's life now revolves around her boyfriend Joel.
Amber and Lottie are the two new best friends Evie makes at college.

World Building
Set in the UK (mentions of pounds, the way college is set up and a characters wish to visit the US) which I really like and connect with. Everything seemed so realistic and really well researched, I love Evie's film obsession and the trio's feminist group the Spinster Club is awesome! Especially loved the mention of the tax on feminine hygiene products despite them being a necessary evil. It's very current since this is an issue being discussed right now.

An amazing book that had me hooked from the start, I love Evie's narrative voice and the characters are amazing. There was one pleasant surprise for me, when it was mentioned that Jane knew about Evie's illness I kept expecting her to somehow reveal it out of spite but she didn't which I loved! I wish they could have explored more why she attached herself so strongly to Joel and changed her image to match/please him. I also wish we could have had more about Oli and about her sister Rose's issues but I do understand that it's not their story.

The back of my copy mentioned that this is the first book in a kind of trilogy each focussing on a different member of the Spinster Club and I will definitely seek them out.

Rating 5/5

Sunday, 19 July 2015

The Quest For Dungarees...

I have wanted dungarees for years. There's just something about the look of them that I love. But for many years the options for fat girls were basically non-existent. You either had basic maternity, really cute Vintage reproductions in a maximum size of about 18 or the only ones big enough: the boring "work wear" style.

Then came fatshion and the rise of cool clothing for bigger people. There started to be more options but alas still no dungarees... Until last year! I'm not sure what triggered it then but they were available! I just didn't have the money to buy them :( Roll forward 12 months or so and 90's revival is in full swing and that means Grunge and that means more dungarees! And this year I happen to be working and have the money to buy them.

At that particular moment only these from Simply Be were available. A re-release of the ones that got my heart going last year. And then... Well it was a bit of a fail. I ordered my normal size 24 (which was proved correct by some jeans I bought from Yours Clothing later) and they would not go up my legs. I thought OK maybe they're a little small, I'll return them and reorder a 26. The 26 came and still no go on the legs. They are just so narrow! For reference my calves are 22 1/2 inches round. Reading the most recent reviews it appears I'm not the only one having the same problem and of course it eliminates people with larger legs from wearing them.

At this point I was feeling disheartened but then I remembered I'd had a leaflet in the post from Curvissa (not actually sure why I had the leaflet but minor detail) and there were a pair of dungarees in there. When I looked them up at the time they weren't available yet so I forgot about them until all these sizing issues so I looked them up and they were available and looking at the composition they mentioned Elastane a useful addition with the leg worry.

I took the plunge and ordered in my usual size of 24 keeping my fingers tightly crossed and I must say I was very pleased with the service. I didn't pay extra for next day delivery yet they arrived next day! And as to fit? Perfect! My legs are very happy. If I have one tiny criticism it's that the bib appears shorter than the photos and I would prefer it slightly higher but it's not a big deal. I do also plan on getting mum to shorten them slightly as I am a bit short (5 foot 4) and they are slightly longer than my preferred. I could cuff them but that's a lot of hassle to get right each time.

Sadly no photos at the moment but I hope to wear them out soon so I will try and remember to get one then.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

The One Dollar Horse Book Review

Owned or Library?

The Cover
Simple yet effective. The horse is lighter in colour than the one in the book but that's not a big deal. My copy also has bright pink page edges.

The One Dollar Horse by Lauren St. John is an uplifting story about refusing to let your dreams die even if the seem hopeless. There are also side themes about trust, putting your faith in a near stranger, trusting that someone is making the right decision and how to overcome setbacks.

Casey Blue is a very vibrant, real character. She's determined, loyal and doesn't want to give up on Storm.
Mrs Smith is a very elegant character and I like that we weren't given her whole story in one go. She also has a determination that I admire.
Roland Blue is very sweet and kind but very misguided and too easily lead. Hopefully things will stay good for him but judging by the preview for the next book it looks not.
Peter is really sweet and kind and doesn't seem to have any bad points... Except maybe not being open with Casey earlier.

World Building
I really believed it all. From the misery and run-down feeling of Hope(less) Lane (I feel bad for the horses that live there considering how bad London's air quality is and the fact that it doesn't sound like there's much in the way of grazing/turn out) to the energy and atmosphere of the shows, it all seemed so real and very effective.

A great, realistic book who's main flaw is the rushed ending. The epilogue could have been another full chapter easily and I was disappointed that we didn't get a resolution with Mrs Smith unless that's being saved for book 2? One I own and I'd like to own the sequels.

Rating 4.5/5

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Fearless Book Review

Owned or Library?

The Cover
A good representation of what the characters are facing. The girl is a little too clean but I love that she's wearing combat boots, much more practical for fighting.

The Fearless by Emma Pass is about what happens when scientists create a drug to reduce PTSD in soldiers, it develops an unexpected side effect: the soldiers feel no fear, no love, no empathy. Cass's family is torn apart by the events and now 7 years later she must find her brother who has been kidnapped by one of the fearless.

Cass is very single-minded. She's strong, smart, loyal and reliable. Sometimes she's too loyal and her upbringing has made her a tad naive, she doesn't question things enough.
Sol is a manipulative asshole and the very picture of male entitlement.
Myo is very likable but he needs to grow a spine and be a bit more reasonable. Of course Cass hates the Fearless, they killed her dad and took her brother!
Jori is a sweet kid, we don't really see him enough to get to know him.

World Building
I liked the fact that it was set in England, it's always nice to find countryside descriptions that are familiar. I found it interesting that it was set in the present, it felt like a Dystopian book from the future like Divergent. There was a nice variety of characters but some felt under-developed. Myo's crew were interesting but the constant hints and half-sentences were annoying and even when we got an explanation it seemed a bit incomplete and under-explained.

A really interesting fast-paced books with a great slow-built, real relationship. One I'd probably buy.

Rating 4/5

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Thoughts on 'Lady'

So my job is a retail assistant which means I get called a lady quite a lot e.g. mothers to their kids "give your toy to the lady" and for some reason it makes me feel uncomfortable.

I am a cis woman - for those who don't know cis or cisgender is when a person identifies with the sex they were born, I was born female and I identify as female. Someone who doesn't may be Trans*, Genderqueer, Agender or any other variation. At least I 99% identify as cis, some days I feel a bit more masculine or fluid but on the whole I am woman hear me roar (but not really because roaring in public sounds terrifying).

I think part of the problem is that I feel too young to be a lady, the usual term is old lady. It's also to fancy. It also to me sounds a little sexist and condescending i.e. "hey, little lady" usually said by some vaguely pervy looking geezer in old movies.

One way to get round this is for people to use my name but I HATE that because the ones who do use it are always way too familiar and "do I know you?" about it.

I have the same akwardness around pet names. Babe - never, Love - depends who it is and how it's said, Hun - maybe from young females it sounds more matey then, Pet - quite sweet especially from older people.

So in summary I don't much like being called a lady but I don't have much clue as to any alternatives.

P.S. Book reviews may be becoming more regular as I seem to have a format that works. I probably won't review every book I read as it will rather overwhelm this blog.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Echo Boy Book Review

Owned or Library?



Echo Boy by Matt Haig is about a time way in the future where humans are served by human-android hybrids called Echos. Audrey's parents (much to the behest of her anti-tech dad) agree to get an Echo to help with her schooling, several weeks later, the Echo kills them. Now Audrey isn't sure who to trust yet finds herself drawn to Daniel, one of the Echos at her uncle's house. Daniel was made different, he's the only one of his kind and unlike any other Echo he can feel emotions.


I found Audrey smart but ultimately quite dull. She doesn't have much personality though she admits the death of her parents has made her lost herself. We know she wants to go to Oxford but not what her future plans are.
Daniel was odd. He had little personality quirks which start off fine but become annoying - his habit of counting the hairs on peoples heads for example. And his language was overly simplistic
Rosella was sweet in her own way but she lacked backbone.

World Building

The world was fascinating with the description of things like mag-rails and pods and the Echo technology but I felt other things were under-explained, why is Spain so treacherously hot? Why is Yorkshire/England so wet you need to live on stilts? What was the reasoning behind the Resurrection Zone? Why did the Moon become so bad?


I thought it was an interesting book and I'd like to see what happens next if there's a sequel but it's not one I'll be picking up to buy.

Rating 3/5

Sunday, 31 May 2015

The Ultimate Book Tag

Stolen from Oh Leona!

1. Do you get sick while reading in the car?
I don't know about the car these days. I used to get travel sick really badly with everything but then bus journeys to school helped me get used to that.

2. Which author's writing style is completely unique to you and why?
Probably Terry Pratchett, I haven't read much of his books yet but his world and his characters are so unique and his writing style is really cool too in a way I am rubbish at trying to describe.

3. Harry Potter series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer.
Harry Poter
1. The world is more complete with the schools and the ministry. Twilight is set completely in our world.
2. The characters are more well-rounded, they have flaws, they are ultimately human.
3. The fandom is so amazing and all the thought that goes into what could have happened outside the main books.

4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what is it in (besides books...)?
I don't carry a specific book bag but I often carry a bag which may or may not have a book inside. Other things I carry are usually my work stuff, umbrella, diary, water, tissues etc. Basic things.

5. Do you smell your books?
If they're new then yes. I'm not a fan of old book smell.

6. Books with or without little illustrations?
I like it when books have little extras but it doesn't make much of a difference either way.

7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn't quality writing? 
The Twilight Saga. I loved them while reading them and I do still enjoy them but as I've got a bit older (I first read them when I was 18 and I'm now 24) I've started to realise that the writing quality isn't the best and the characters are very one-dimensional.

8. Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood? Please share!
Sadly no :(

9. What is the thinnest book on your shelf?
Probably the Harry Potter companion books. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is very skinny.

10. What is the thickest book on your shelf?
Probably The City of Heavenly Fire, it's tall and fat and annoyingly doesn't match the rest of the series so it has to stand alone >.< Also The Green Mile.

11. Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?
I do! I'm procrastinating on writing a fantasy trilogy and I have loads of other ideas too, plus I've just started a Harry Potter Alice in Wonderland crossover fanfic but I don't know how far I'll get with that. I would love to be a published author like JK Rowling :D

12. When did you get into reading? 
I've always loved reading, my mum jokes that I used to climb over the other kids in nursery/school to get to the reading corner.

13. What is your favourite classic book? 
Black Beauty and Alice in Wonderland. And I'd say Harry Potter is a modern classic.

14. In school was your best subject Language Arts/English?
I'm guessing Language Arts is another name for English Literature i.e. all your Shakespeare and stuff... I wasn't very good at that. I was a bit better at English Language as that was more creative. But my best GCSE grades were actually for Art and History.

15. If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated... what would you do?
If it was someone I knew really well then I'd be honest. Depending on how long ago I'd read it I might try re-reading it to see if my opinion had changed. Beyond that I'm not sure.

16. What is a lesser known series that you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games? 
Children of the Red King by Jenny Nimmo has similar themes to Harry Potter with boarding school, magic and sinister threats. They're targeted at a slightly younger audience, maybe 8-12 or something like that but I still love them. As for the Hunger Games, Divergent is another dystopian trilogy but of course fairly popular.

17. What is a bad habit you always do (besides rambling) while filming?

18. What is your favourite word?
I don't really have a favourite but I quite like magic, freckles, kitten, tree.

19. Are you a nerd, dork, or dweeb? Or all of the above?
A bit, yeah :)

20. Finally, full on romance or action-packed with a few love scenes thrown in? 
I can feel in the mood for both but on majority I prefer action-packed with a few love scenes.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

My Smear Test Experience

I've read a few posts recently on people's experiences with their smear tests as both Becky Bedbug and Oh! Leona (currently inactive) have recently linked posts from young women about how it was for them. It was actually really good timing since I had my letter in March - I'm 25 in August - and was petrified. I ended up having to re-book my appointment as nerves meant I mis-read the time and I turned up an hour late.

I finally made it last Monday and I got there early so no worries about that. But they were running slightly late so I had more time to fret. The nurse I saw, Nicola, was really nice, she showed me the equipment and talked me through everything first. The only questions she asked were whether I was on any contraception (yes, the Depo Provera injection) and had I had a period recently (sort of, I had a slimy liver lump and some very light bleeding). I was expecting all sorts of awkward questions about my sex life or lack of...

 Then I went behind the curtain to remove my leggings and underwear. When I was ready and covered with a paper sheet she came round the curtain and donned a head lamp before raising the bed and positioning my legs.

The next stage was inserting the speculum which wasn't too bad and then the worst bit, the gradual opening which was quite uncomfortable for me personally since I've never have penetrative sex. However the nurse did stop or slow down whenever I said I was uncomfortable but of course there comes a point when you've just got to grit your teeth and bear it. I was certainly glad when the speculum was open fully because by that point I was thinking it would hurt way too much to go further. I barely felt the brush due to the discomfort (general feel of pinching at the top). I was told there was blood around my cervix which may have been a mini period I was unaware of or it may have been whatever existed of my hymen breaking. Because of the blood I was told it may be considered an inadequate sample in which case I'd have to go back and have it done again.

I was told to cough to help the speculum be removed and then the bed was lowered and I was left behind the curtain to re-dress. There were panty liners if I needed them but I wear one anyway (TMI, sorry!). That was that. I needed the loo pretty much straight away and there was a little blood when I wiped and for the rest of the day I felt like my insides were going to fall out which wasn't pleasant.

I had my follow up letter yesterday and the sample was not only adequate but normal so I'm all set now until 2018.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Quick Post on Sizing

My pet peeve for today? Inaccurate sizing/sizing charts.

Mum and I need new bathrobes. Here's is very thing on the butt area (tmi? Never mind) and mine is even older and generally ratty and stained with hair dye. I managed to find some on eBay here and according to the size chart it should have fit and the smaller size should have fit mum with room to spare. I ordered them, purple for me, teal for mum. They arrived this morning... Yeah not gonna work at all. The larger size only just works for mum so I'm returning the small one.

I then took to eBay again trying to find something a bit bigger but all that I could find was ones around the same size or if they did my size e.g. Yours Clothing they were fleece which while nice isn't the best material for putting on after your shower. Towelling all the way! So then I took to Google and it brought up a result for Amazon which was way too big (60"+ chest), way too expensive (about £40) and white - not advisable when you semi-regularly dye your hair dark purple - but there was a link below to the gorgeous Cadbury purple you see here which in XL is a bit too big but the only other size available is Medium which is too small so I'm going to do a sod it and buy the too big one and have done with it. If it's drastically too big my mum can take it in - she's a bit of a sewing whizz - and it adds to the cuddle factor anyway :D

Anyway til next time (whenever that'll be XD) actually it hopefully won't be too long as I do have another post planned which needs to be written but it's a case of working myself up to writing it as it's about women's health and my recent experience.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Leather Satchel Company Review

So due to working a lot of hours over Christmas my first wage slip at the shop was larger than I expected which meant I was able to get quite a few things I need - trousers, shoes, trainers, underwear - but I also had enough that I was able to splash out on a treat for me. I saw the Aster Satchel on The Leather Satchel company's website well before Christmas and had been obsessing over it, well to be honest I tend to obsess over leather satchels in general XD and I decided to make a purchase.

It arrived yesterday and it's absolutely stunning! The colours are so vibrant, the stitching is neat and tidy and the strap is more than long enough - long enough that I didn't need to purchase the strap extension that I did but I have too much experience with bag straps not being long that I thought the extra £3 was worth it.

The satchel in all it's glory! The blue leather is slightly darker than the website shows but I think it makes a better contrast personally, but it's something to be aware of. Funny story the satchel almost took longer to arrive because they thought they'd run out of the blue leather but then some was found last minute. I definitely appreciated the way they kept me informed.

The beautiful back in all it's colourful, printed awesomeness! I've no idea how the print the leather but it's absolutely marvelous.

A very bad close up of the stitching above the working buckle and along the edge of the handle.

Stamped logo on the back which I didn't even notice until I took the photo of the back.

Embossed guarantee type thing on the inside of the flap. The leather is quite stiff at the moment but that will improve with use. There is a smell to the leather which is something to be aware of for people with sensitive noses. The inside dimensions of the main pocket are 13.5 inches long, 8 3/4 inches high and 2 1/2 inches approximately in depth. The front pocket is 9 1/2 inches long, 5 3/4 inches high and 1 inch wide approximately. I haven't yet tested how much will fit but it's safe to say it's more a handbag than say a schoolbag, especially as the leather itself adds a little bit of weight.

Overall I highly recommend this product and this company. I beautifully made piece of genuine British craftsmanship.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Years Resolutions 2015

Personal - Appearance
  1. Lose a bit more weight, minimum 1 stone by moving more and eating better.
  2. Get my right ear re-pierced.
  3. Get my septum pierced.
  4. Get both ears pierced again.
  5. Start stretching bottom holes once healed.
  6. Put dreadlocks in my hair once long enough - may be extended until 2016.
  7. Refine my style.
  8. Find a new purple hair dye - my current one isn't purple enough. Feel free to suggest, permanent colours only - less upkeep.

Personal - Other
  1. Get my provisional license.
  2. Learn to drive.
  3. Decide a career.
  4. Train for career if necessary.
  5. Get a better job.
  6. Help mum find a new job.
  7. Write (finish!) a novel.
  8. Go on a date.

  1. Buy new phones for mum and I.
  2. Buy an external hard drive.
  3. Buy a new desktop PC.
  4. Buy an iPod Classic - used since they are now out of production (I hate years of bad finances).
  5. Buy a Kindle.
  6. Buy a laptop.
  7. Upgrade the car.

  1. Read at least 100 books.
  2. Watch at least 100 films.
  3. Finish the Gossip Girl series.
  4. Read A Song of Ice and Fire.
  5. Read Under the Dome.
  6. Discover at least 2 new shows.
  7. Discover at least 3 new bands/singers.
  8. Improve my equine anatomy.
  9. Improve my humans.
  10. Draw a self-portrait.

Update April 2015:
A few things have been crossed off which I'm quite pleased about since we're only a few months into the year.

Update November 2015:
I've managed to cross some more things off but as we are now approaching Christmas I probably won't be able to cross off any others. The frustrating one is the weight loss one. I did manage to lose a bit but I've put it back on plus a little bit I think. *Sigh*