The Cactus – Sarah Haywood

Ebook provided by NetGalley for review. Thank you.
Read July 20
I’m not sure what to make of this book. Near the beginning I was debating whether to continue at all. Our main character Susan is initially not very likeable at all. She’s 45 but in some ways feels younger, perhaps because her life hasn’t gone in a typical direction at typical times. The vagueness near the beginning was annoying, as was Susan’s implication that she was better than everyone. She seemed to have nothing but complaints.
aided in her scrutiny of the past (the “twist” wasn’t overly shocking), Susan
grew a great deal as a person throughout. We discover why she’s like she is
with so many barriers and we see her slowly letting those barriers down and
letting people in. Come the end I’ve really come to appreciate Susan as a
character. I would say that the ending was a bit abrupt and the authors
constant use of the American “Mom” in a book set in Birmingham and London was
rather jarring.
3/5 stars
Stef Out x
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