Monday, 1 February 2021

January 2021 Reading Round-Up

I disappointingly only read 5 books in January and one of those was started in December. I think a bit of depression - seasonal or otherwise - has set in over the last couple of months or so and it's making focusing on most things a bit of a struggle. It's something that going to the doctor about would probably be a good idea but my surgery are doing 99% phone appointments and I struggle with the phone. Hearing what they're saying, organising what I'm saying, describing things effectively etc. All in all I'm trying to avoid it and only use it for physical things at the moment, like a rash in my ear that I'd had for months. Luckily I obviously described it well enough as the treatment I was given appears to have worked in a matter of days!

Anyway books!

City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare
5/5 stars

Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy - Cassandra Clare + others
5/5 stars
New to me

Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare
4/5 stars

Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
4/5 stars

Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare
4/5 stars

As you can see I'm on a bit of a Cassandra Clare/Shadowhunters kick at the moment. There are a few I haven't read so I decided to do a complete read and then move onto the newer ones. So far the Infernal Devices trilogy is my least favourite simply because of the period setting. Things were so sexist then it's frustrating, I also find it boring to read about taffeta and silk gowns and being dressed. I would also say on the whole Cassandra struggles with endings a little. Take Clockwork Princess for example. The battle is over, everyone is happy but then it just ends, there's very little aftermath. Then you get an epilogue that's almost a whole other book in itself.

Anyway the Shadowhunter spree will continue into February, maybe March depending on my speed, as I have another 5 left to read!

Stef Out x

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