I was hovering between 2 and 3 stars for this book. At one point I wasn't even sure whether I was going to continue at all. This whole only "dating" Katherines thing was just too weird and unbelievable. And I put "dating" in quotes because when he went through the story of all of them I'd hardly count several as dating. In my mind a few hours hanging out is not dating.
Then the maths. I can't do maths to save my life. That is probably a literal thing. I can imagine being in a life-threatening situation and even struggling with 1+1=2. It took me three attempts to pass my maths GCSE at school. I am 30 years old and I still don't know my times tables - a problem quoted on my school report pretty much every single year, that and my shoddy attendance. Anyway the maths. Colin kept on yanking me out of the story just to drone on about some kind of dumping related theory. Just shut up.
As for the story... There wasn't a lot of it. Half-Jewish boy goes on a road trip to nowhere with his Muslim best friend (who seemed... Not the best written) using cash he won on a TV show for smart kids yet he's definitely not a genius. They meet a girl (who is the only half-decent character) and get hired by her mum to record old people's stories about the town. We also have some other kids who are mostly only referred to as initials e.g. TOC is The Other Colin. The others I forgot a page after they were explained. There's also a random bit of pig-hunting and not long after it just ends. There's no defined resolution.
2/5 Stars
Stef Out x
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