Sunday, 16 January 2022

Madness by Paityn Parque

Ebook provided by the author for review. Thank you.

Read November 2021

3/5 stars

Firstly, apologies it has taken me so long to type this up. I finished the book, hand-wrote the review in a notebook and then life got in the way a little bit.

Ezra is a normal student until the night that she's murdered. Anyone would think that this is it but then Ezra wakes up. She's in a strange game called the Battles. It's kill or be killed, and if you are killed you just come back.

I was reading this in chunks spaced quite far apart so that may have affected my opinion but to begin with I wasn't sure what to rate this. There was a lot of action but that action could be repetitive: scout, kill, sleep, occasionally shower or train, though rarely eat.

I understand that while in the game past lives and interests are pretty irrelevant but it still would have been nice to have learned more about the characters as we went along. They generally lacked distinction for me and kind of blurred together. Also time, was time still passing outside? Have the kids disappeared completely or were they found comatose in their own beds? I wanted more detail.

The feats overall were a nice addition although I'd like to know more about them and how they're allocaed, but maybe that's covered in the sequel. I did think the reveal around Jack's feat was a bit abrupt, and a bit rushed. I still don't really understand it.

The ending however was very gripping and sets up perfectly for a sequel. Hopefully we find out more about the origins and the mechanics of the game itself.

Also overall the writing was very good, no obviously clunky phrasing, smooth to read, though a lot of sneering going on in the last quarter or so.

Stef Out x

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