Saturday, 6 April 2013

Giveaway Promontion + Small Update

The main purpose of this post is to promote Messy Carla's giveaway to win Asos vouchers by linking it here I get extra entries and I really want to win :)

I could do with some cheering up. Mum did lose her job so she's signing on now. She's gonna ring someone and maybe write a letter to appeal it as she feels she was unfairly dismissed. She needn't have lost her job since another guy told a customer to fuck off and he kept his job. It doesn't tally.

Perhaps understandably I didn't get my job there but I am going to reapply in a few weeks to a couple of months. I kind of really want the job now just to piss them off. Get rid of mum, get me instead, you ain't getting rid of this family.

Other than that things have been quiet around here. I've been applying for stuff (well one thing if I'm really honest). It's just being bothered. It's been so dismal lately I've been feeling a bit down. The weather looks like it might be improving though, it's sunny today but still cold and apparently it's gonna get warmer next week so that'll be good.

Stef out xx