Thursday, 3 May 2018

Book Review: Love, Hate and Other Filters by Samira Ahmed

This was a good book but overall I wanted more. I really liked Maya as a character and I thought the Indian stuff was fascinating - though a glossary might have been handy - I also didn't realise quite how overprotective Indian parents were! Though other reviews lead me to believe Maya's were at the more extreme end.

Both potential relationships were cute and would have worked well, neither were obviously bad though there was an awful lot of the fluffy romance stuff throughout the whole book. The terrorism plot had potential but it's timing and the pacing within the story were a little awkward. I liked the mid chapters though and I would have loved more detail there.

I loved Hina and Violet and wanted to see more of them. The racism was important and interesting but it seemed like an afterthought, nothing then everything. Maya didn't show much of her culture personally, if you took her out and put her in a different book without specifying you'd barely be able to tell she was Indian, never mind Muslim. Her religion was mentioned more in passing regarding her parents praying after the attack, it felt a little hollow. I wish we could have seen more of the ending in New York, it needed to be longer. Did Maya resolve things with her parents?

3/5 stars.

Stef Out x

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