OK so I know this is a departure from the original next post being family related but as the wedding is on the 25th August it'll probably come around then. Instead I'm going to talk about ponies.

These ponies to be exact. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm sure everyone and their uncle knows who they are but just in case... Oh and each pony represents a certain trait which can come together and defeat the bad guys. Twilight Sparkle is the purple unicorn, she loves books and doesn't make friends easily (she's a lot like me then LOL except I'm not as smart), she represents Magic. Applejack is the orange earth pony with the hat, she is an apple farmer and represents Honesty. Rainbow Dash is the blue pegasus, she helps control the weather by moving clouds around, she loves sport and represents Honesty. Rarity is the white unicorn, she is a fashion designer and a bit of a diva, she represents Generosity. Pinkie Pie is the pink earth pony, she loves parties, baking and jokes, she represents Laughter. Lastly the yellow pegasus is Fluttershy, who is very shy, loves animals and hates flying, she represents Kindness.
Anyway I as you may already know am a member of deviantArt. An art website. As you can expect like any fandom ponies are popular there. I am not a huge fan of the ponies being drawn as ponies as there is a lack of creativity. Everyone just uses the show's style. Instead I follow a couple of humanised pony groups. I like humanising ponies since everyone has there own opinion. Now I did already do a version but it wasn't very well thought out and mostly followed everyone's colour scheme but to be honest it's not very often you find someone with rainbow hair in real life... So lately I've been thinking more in depth about what I feel the characters would look like and act like in real life. With this I may write a fan fiction or something about them. Possibly at college...
Twilight Sparkle
Real Name: Hester Spark (Hester is Greek for evening star, evening is close to twilight and her cutie mark is a star)
Age: 16
Height: 5 foot 6
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark blue
Race: 1/2, Greek, 1/4 African, 1/4 White.
Build: Slim, small breasts.
Dress: Goth, long skirts, silver jewellery, combat boots, lace tops.
Course: History, Psychology, English.
Personality: Uptight, doesn't get jokes, loves her school work, straight A student, doesn't do parties.
Real Name: Pomona Jackson (Pomona is Latin for apple)
Age: 17
Height: 5 foot 3
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Race: White with tanned skin and freckles, Southern American origin.
Build: Muscled, broad shoulders, big breasts, wide hips.
Dress: Practical, jeans, t-shirts, dungarees, wellingtons.
Course: Animal Management.
Personality: Brutally honest, loyal, hard-working, acts more like a guy than a girl.
Rainbow Dash
Real Name: Raina Dashwood (Raina is close to rainbow and comes from rain)
Age: 17
Height: 5 foot 2
Hair: Brown, often wears rainbow extensions
Eyes: Brown
Race: Tanned skin, South African origin.
Build: Slim, muscled, almost flat chested.
Dress: Sporty, tracksuits, trainers
Course: Sports Diploma.
Personality: Brash, likes playing jokes, sporty, cocky.
Real Name: Gemma Dubois (Gemma means precious stone, rarity deals with gems a lot)
Age: 18
Height: 5 foot 7
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Race: French born, 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 British, ivory skin.
Build: Classic hourglass, though still slim.
Dress: Classy, pencil skirts, blouses, heels.
Course: Fashion design, jewellery making.
Personality: Very classy, thinks before she speaks, very continental, doesn't really drink.
Pinkie Pie
Real Name: Pinkamena Diane Pike (Nothing wrong with show name, just adjust surname to be more normal)
Age: 16
Height: 5 foot 5
Hair: Black, often wears pink extensions or clips
Eyes: Brown
Race: African
Build: Chunky build, small breasts.
Dress: Kooky, bright colours, tutus, leg-warmers, lots of jewellery.
Course: Art and Design, Cake Decoration.
Personality: Loves fun, parties, jokes, doesn't take much seriously, is a talented artist and baker.
Real Name: Evelyn Stewart
Age: 17
Height: 5 foot 10
Hair: Blonde, often tinted pink
Eyes: Blue
Race: White, pale, British heritage.
Build: Slender, almost flat chested, very androgynous looking.
Dress: Hippie, long loose dresses, long skirts, loose tops, waistcoats, often barefoot.
Course: Animal Management.
Personality: Very timid, hates noise and crowds, cares more about animals than people.
Also in my headcanon I envision Rainbow Dash maybe having some kind of accident that makes her lose one or both legs and she goes on to be top of her field in paralympic sport. Starting off in wheelchair based sports but eventually acquiring running blades making her the female equivalent of Oscar Pistorius.

As for Fluttershy I see her as maybe being trans* but to begin with only Rainbow knows as they come from the same town (living next door) with Applejack finding out soon after due to being on the same course. After this Fluttershy tells the others. She is undergoing hormone treatment but is not undertaking surgery for a few years yet. I see Fluttershy's general appearance as something akin to male model Andrej Pejic who is a guy but is feminine enough in looks to walk in female shows as well.
Edit Oct 2014: It has been revealed that Andreja Pejic (note name change) is male to female trans*.