Saturday, 23 March 2013

Bit of a Mess

So everything is a bit of a mess at the moment. As you may probably not know I've been unemployed for almost three and a half years with intermittent voluntary work between, I've been volunteering at the local PDSA charity shop for nearly two years now and before that I was at the Oxfam hub where they upload stuff onto here for four months.

Anyway recently I decided to finally bite the bullet and apply to McDonalds. A place I have previously been dead set against working (I'm not the biggest fan of fast food, I prefer simple stuff) but my mum works there and seems to enjoy and a friend we have is a manager there and I feel like I'm missing out on interesting stuff so I applied. Wednesday the 20th I had an interview. From what Hattie (our friend) said interviews our usually with the main manager Andy or a shift manager and usually take about an hour and involve some test work on front counter or window 2. Instead I was in with a very unprepared shift manager for about 5 minutes. He said my requirement of working days was unrealistic and I needed to be available 5am to close or there was no point continuing, he made me feel uncomfortable and like I was a nuisance and an inconvenience and that I'll need to come in sometime for a second interview with Andy.

So I wasn't feeling hopeful in the first place but then Friday happened. It's the start of the Easter holidays so it's busy and there are a lot of kids in. A group of teenage boys were being messy, rude and noisy so mum had them kicked out. Obviously they were pissed so they were making comments on their way and mum gave into her inner teenager and gave them the finger. They sniggered but one obviously went home and told his mummy who reported mum and of course she'd been caught on camera and now she's been suspended (paid thankfully) and has to go to a meeting Monday at 11am. The problem is mum is saying she'd rather get sacked than apologise, plus this is likely to impact negatively on my job application and mum works in the same general industry as me (retail) and if we both apply for the same job she's more likely to get it thanks to more experience and a general bubblier personality.

I just think it's incredibly unfair that she'd do something like this and not think about the consequences to her job or me. She just doesn't appear to give a shit that I want no need a job. Preferably this one so I can tell the job centre to fuck off. Or if I hate it I just need to stick it out until Sainsbury's opens - although that's not likely to be until next year.

So yeah feeling a bit crap at the moment.

EDIT: Feeling a bit more hopeful as mum told me that two other members of staff were suspended fairly recently, one for suspected theft, the other for something relating to a customer and they both got off. It's still not certain though as they aren't that fond of mum due to arguments over hours, balloons (mum is globophobic) and name badges... We'll see. I'll try and remember to update when I know more.

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